Sunday, September 14, 2014


はまだ先生のレクチャーに 行けなかったので、 今日 としょかんの二回 ポスターを みに 行きました。 そして、 読んで、 あとで 長崎と広島の爆撃(ばくげき=bombing)は とても かなしかったと 思います。

After seeing the posters, and the pictures, the devastation that the bombs left in Nagasaki and Hiroshima were truly devastating. Its interesting comparing the information I received from these poster as compared to the history class in high school. All though my teachers did a very good job in teaching me the facts of the war, the emotional context was lost. In fact, seeing poster like this and reading viewing documentaries/reading autobiographies of survivors of the war (from all sides) is, I think, a very important part of the learning process for any historical event. Although they are not a consolidated look at a past event, they allow us to question some assumptions that other texts (generally those looking to capture a bigger picture of an event) are forced to make.

Another thing I was actually surprised about was with Notre Dame's involvement in the restoration effort. I think it was a very creditable pursuit for our school to follow.

1 comment:

  1. 高校の時と、今と、少し考えることが変わったかもしれませんね。はまだせんせいのお話も、ポスターてんじもとてもよかったと思います。
