Sunday, September 21, 2014


はまだ先生のレクチャー on ごじらのえいが, was a unique perspective on a film that has pretty much been heard by everybody. One of her main points was the calamity of the dropping of the atom bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki had consequences on the geopolitical landscape of japan which were represented by various pop culture trends (one of them being movies).

One of the most interesting things I learned was that in the American pop culture media, Japan was actually feminized. For instance, of the bomb victims, in many cases, such as that of the Hiroshima maidens, reconstructive surgery was offered to women almost exclusively. The concern of men, it seemed, were often subverted or dealt with in films characterizing them as strange monsters seeking women for the purpose of reproduction. In either representation (i.e. the one dealing with male concerns or the one dealing with female concerns), it seemed to me that the opposite gender's interest were subverted. This is pretty interesting because it seems that the issues of the bombing were almost dealt in a stratified sense in which the American focus was on the women victims and the Japanese focus was on the male victims,

All in all, I really valued being able to attend the lecture because I feel like I learned a lot even though it was only just short of an hour.

1 comment:

  1. 宮本先生のレクチャーをきいて、少しゴジラやげんばくについての考え方が変わったかもしれませんね。
