Saturday, December 7, 2013

Eden of the East

Recently, I have started watching a couple of anime on and off. One that I recently finished is Eden of the East. It is actually a short anime, but quite interesting. To give a sort of short introduction, without ruining the plot, the main characters are Akira Takizawa and Saki Morimi:.
Akira lost all his memories (self induced) and meets Saki during her trip to DC. He finds that he has a mysterious phone with 10 billion yen (it works sort of like a credit card). It also allows him to contact a concierge named Juiz who can essentially make any of his wishes come true (through physical means) Notable characters in this series include angelika,

Yutaka Itazu, who loses his pants,

and Kuroha Diana Shiratori

who is interesting for multiple reasons.

Friday, December 6, 2013

20th Century Boys

先週の木曜日に ごごはちじに DBのいっかいに 日本のえいがを(20th Century Boys) みに いきました。えいがは おもしろくて、 よかったです。

(Spoilers ahead)

20th Century Boys was interesting because of a mix of different elements. I came in about 5 minutes late and the first scene I saw was a guy  (manga writer) being imprisoned. He was awfully sweaty and looked a little frightened, so at first I thought maybe this was some sort of horror movie and that the captors weren't even human. After eliminating that option pretty quickly, I thought maybe it was about censorship (he was complaining about how he had been arrested for posting his manga on the web). Well, as it turned out that guy had nothing at all to do with the movie and was just a segway for another character to tell his story (though, since this was only part 1 of the movie, I still have my suspicions). So the other guy starts rambling on about a "true hero" that he once knew. And that's how the super-long flashback that is the movie begins. The main plot is that Kenji, the main character, and his friends, imagining themselves as 9 heroes, write a manuscript on what they think would characterize an evil organization bent on destroying the world. Anyway, in the future (which is still the past in the narrator guy's flashback), a mysterious cult is on the loose with moves that exactly mirror the manuscript. It is headed by a man only known mysteriously as ともだち. Kenji, who owns a store at this point, has to gather his friends to figure out what is happening and who this ともだち character really is (they deduce him to be one of the original 9 friends). Anyway, a bunch
of crazy things happens, but by the end this guy

ends up creating this guy

which is basically a large
(The robot kills people, not by crushing them under its enormous weight, but by spraying them with a deadly virus). Anyway, Kenji ends up seeing tomodachi's true face and dying (6 minutes pass by and the 3 minute timed bomb Kenji had planted in the robot goes off. Kenji never leaves the robot because he is too busy staring at tomodachi's face. The suspense, with regards to tomodachi's identity, literally killed him). Overall, I thought the movie was quite entertaining and would recommend anybody with free time on their hands to watch it. The character development overall for each of the characters is really excellent.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


このサンクスギビングデー、 ごご ごじから ごぜん いちじまで くるまで ともだちのうちに パーテイーを しに いきました。そして、 にぎやかで、たのしかった雰囲気ですよ (fun atmosphere)。 とても ともだちが いました。 そして、いい飯を(meshi、food)たべて、おんがくを きいて, ビデオとカードの ゲームを しました。私は オードブルを (hor d'oeuvre) たべて、ワインを (wine) のみました。


日本のうちは たいてい 木製のです(mokusei, wooden)、でも アメリカのうちは たいてい れんがうひです (brick)。 日本の人は 丁寧なのです (teineina, polite)。 そして、 日本のうちは 手厚いのです(teatsui, hospitable)。アメリカのうちも 手厚いのです。日本のうちの中に げんかんが あります (mudroom, to keep shoes)。 アメリカの うちに ありません。
遂に(finally)、日本の人 たいてい 米を (amerika, rice) たべます。 そして、日本のうちの中に 炊飯器が(takuhanki, rice cooker)あります。 アメリカのうちの中に たいてい ありません。
私のへやは 大きくて、いいですよ。 ベッドが あります。 ベッドのまえに テーブルといすが あります。 きれいなへやです。