Tuesday, September 17, 2013

The typical day

おきます。しゃわうお あびます。じゅぎょうが あります。としょかんで べんきょうます。うちに かえります。ねます。 (short paragraph)

Monday, September 9, 2013


Formal greetings. I figured I'd use this post to expound more on anime and me. My first introduction to anime was sometime early in High School when I saw Naruto. At that point, I thought it was the greatest thing (ever?). Nowadays, many of my anime loving friends look presumptuously at me whenever they hear the word Naruto (even if I'm not the one mentioning it). For the most part I do agree with their judgement on the series (I say for the most part, because I find myself randomly watching clips on YouTube when I'm extremely bored or I have a lot of work on my hands. It does hold a certain nostalgic appeal). Anyway, my current tastes are wildly divergent from what they were, etc...

Currently, I am watching Kino no Tabi. Here is a free clip (trailer), if you are interested. Its not in Japanese though, so don't hate me. 

Introduction in Japanese

はじめまして。 ぢくせとです。 わたしは あめりかじんです。さねんせいです。いがくの せんこいです。だいがくうんせいじゃありません。